Talon Karrde (8)Full unit name: Karrde, Talon
Last updated: 08.07.2024 0:01:30
Navigation (4)
Basic info
First appearance: Thrawn Trilogy, Book 1 - Heir to the Empire
Thrawn Trilogy, Book 1 - Heir to the Empire
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Relations: Car'das Smugglers
Car'das Smugglers
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
Known Facts (2)
Escape from Myrkr (2) »
Talon Karrde was a smuggler
and information broker who dominated the underworld market in information. He began his career in the organization of Jorj Car'das
Car'das Smugglers
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
, where he moved quickly through the ranks to become one of Car'das's top lieutenants. When Car'das disappeared in 0 BBY, Karrde quickly and quietly took over the organization to avoid internal feuding. The smuggling and information-brokering organization was already formidable, and when Jabba the Hutt
Jabba the Hutt
Major Characters
was killed
Battle at the Sarlacc's Pit
(Rescue of Han Solo (Tatooine))
Galactic Civil War
in 4 ABY, Karrde was able to pick up the most pieces and guide his group to the top spot in the smuggling world. Known as an honest and honorable man, Karrde kept a low profile despite his lofty underworld position. In 9 ABY, Karrde was drawn into the Galactic Civil War, in which he had previously avoided taking sides, when he rescued
Escape from Myrkr
New Republic Era
Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Major Characters
from being stranded in deep space and helped Skywalker avoid capture by Imperial leader Grand Admiral Thrawn
Major Characters
, though only after his hand was forced. Thrawn placed a bounty on Karrde, driving him to sell the location of the Katana fleet, a secret he had kept since his days in Car'das's employ, to the New Republic. Karrde then organized the Smugglers' Alliance to represent the smugglers to the New Republic and aid in the battle against Thrawn. When Thrawn was defeated, Karrde remained a valued ally of Skywalker and the Solos but was not trusted by the New Republic leadership as a whole due to his shady past.


See also
Related units, characters and other technologies
Wild Karrde
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Karrde's Organization
Complete list

Full unit name: Karrde, Talon Last updated: 08.07.2024 0:01:30